Notifications Examples
Personal liquidation alert
Motivation - Notify when a borrower's AAVE health factor gets closer to 1 due to his collateral value, and allow him to increase his collateralized assets and avoid liquidations.
Method - SendBlocks tracks any change to user's health factor, whether from user actions or from oracle price updates. Once it falls below a certain threshold, a notification will be sent to the subscriber.
Parameters - We allow the users to set their own thresholds to be able to react easily and on their prefered point in time.

Example of liquidation alert configuration
Personal staking rewards received update
Motivation - Notify staker about staking rewards once they are received to his wallet from the Lido protocol.
Method - SendBlocks tracks the supply of stEth to the staker's address.
Parameters - To prevent spam, the user can set a threshold for the amount received, ensuring notifications are only sent when this threshold is met or exceeded.

Example of staking fees earned notifications. Note that the amount is in USD and not native token currency, which is more convenient to the user
Community Notification on New Pool Creation
Motivation - Share a new pool created on UniswapV3 with the dApp community, to incentivize new user activity.
Method - SendBlocks tracks UniswapV3Factory contract. Every PoolCreated event will be sent to the
dApp's community telegram bot with the new pool details.

Updated 5 months ago